The Mind-Body "Switch" For Unlocking Maximum Confidence, Influence and Attraction.

The key to winning the game of life isn't found in Self-help, Psychedelics or TRT.

The latest science reveals that the key is...


The Mind-Body "Switch" For
Unlocking Maximum Confidence,
Influence and Attraction.

The key to winning the game of life isn't found

in Self-help, Psychedelics or TRT.

The latest science reveals that the key is...


CHARISMA is what has enabled the world's most successful men to achieve the life of their dreams, but most of us have never learned how to unlock this brilliant birthright.

Men with charisma possess a compelling attractiveness, or charm that can inspire devotion in others. Theses men have powerful personalities, animal-magnetism, and even a kind-of

magic about them.

But here's the uncomfortable truth: Most men will never experience this reality because they've been unconsciously sabotaged by a hidden enemy inside their own minds and bodies.

In a moment I am going to expose this invisible force blocking your most naturally charismatic self from fully emerging,

But first...

If you want to easily attract more money, have more confidence with women, and radiate rugged health YOU NEED CHARISMA

Whether you're a wallflower who avoids the spotlight, or an extrovert lacking poise under pressure...

My Grounding Camp Will Help You Unlock Your Authentic Charisma For Good.

At the end of Grounding Camp....

  • You'll be able to communicate with charisma on-demand for better content creation.

  • You'll be able to make more sales, close more deals, and get more money.

  • You'll be able to build powerful relationships with important people.

  • You'll be able to effortlessly attract high-value womenwithout awkward pickup tactics or manipulative mind games.

My name is Elliott Hulse.

You may know me from my popular YouTube channels with over 3 million subscribers.

But what you don't know is my biggest secret weapon for success—a strange practice that

turbocharged my confidence, charisma and influence.

For years, my early YouTube efforts fizzled due to nervous energy, confusing messaging and cringe-worthiness. 

I'd see glimmers of success, but could never quite break through despite working my ass off. Until I discovered...

CHARISMA is what has enabled the world's most successful men to achieve the life of their dreams, but most of us have never learned how to unlock this brilliant birthright.

Men with charisma possess a compelling attractiveness, or charm that can inspire devotion in others. Theses men have powerful personalities, animal-magnetism, and even a kind-of magic about them.

But here's the uncomfortable truth: Most men will never experience this reality because they've been unconsciously sabotaged by a hidden enemy inside their own minds and bodies.

In a moment I am going to expose this invisible force blocking your most naturally charismatic self from fully emerging,

But first...

If you want to easily attract more money, have more confidence with women, and radiate rugged health... you need CHARISMA

Whether you're a wallflower who avoids the spotlight, or an extrovert lacking poise under pressure...

My Grounding Camp Will Help You
Unlock Your Authentic Charisma For Good.

At the end of Grounding Camp....

  • You'll be able to communicate with charisma on-demand for better content creation.

  • You'll be able to make more sales, close more deals, and get more money.

  • You'll be able to build powerful relationships with important people.

  • You'll be able to effortlessly attract high-value womenwithout awkward pickup tactics or manipulative mind games.

My name is Elliott Hulse.

You may know me from my popular YouTube channels with over 3 million subscribers.

But what you don't know is my biggest secret weapon for success—a strange practice that turbocharged my confidence, charisma and influence.

For years, my early YouTube efforts fizzled due to nervous energy, confusing messaging and cringe-worthiness. 

I'd see glimmers of success, but could never quite break through despite working my ass off. Until I discovered...

My Confidence & Charisma Was Held
Hostage By

An Invisible Enemy

My Confidence & Charisma Was Held
Hostage By An Invisible Enemy

Maybe you've felt it when your heart races before an important presentation… or your throat tightens up trying to chat with an attractive woman or you catch yourself slouching and dimming your presence in front of authority figures.

These unconscious physical blocks are more than just nerves or shyness. 

They're ingrained psychosomatic patterns hard-wired to stifle your true potential and leave you feeling restrained, inhibited and underwhelming in the moments that matter most.

Like layers of emotional body armor keeping your authentic magnetism under lock and key.

No matter how much you want to show up powerfully, speak confidently and attract others into your presence,

Neurotic Holding Patterns hold you captive as a dim, constrained shadow of your most charismatic self.

Neurotic Holding Patterns affect every man to some degree.

Sapping your communication skills, status, romantic confidence and ability to create the success you want.

For Years, I Suffered Under The Grip Of These Debilitating Patterns. 

Despite launching a gym, building an online fitness brand, and raising my family... something always felt off.

My bravado came across as nervous energy or try-hard overcompensation.

I'd stumble over words, awkwardly avoid eye contact and collapse under pressure whenever the stakes were high. 

Women weren't attracted to me.

Like so many men, I WAS STUCK. Petrified of fully expressing myself and unable to cultivate the magnetic confidence I craved.

Until I discovered the shocking mind-body cure to demolish these Neurotic Holding Patterns once and for all...

Maybe you've felt it when your heart races before an important presentation… or your throat tightens up trying to chat with an attractive woman or you catch yourself slouching and dimming your presence in front of authority figures.

These unconscious physical blocks are more than just nerves or shyness. 

They're ingrained psychosomatic patterns hard-wired to stifle your true potential and leave you feeling restrained, inhibited and underwhelming in the moments that matter most.

Like layers of emotional body armor keeping your authentic magnetism under lock and key.

No matter how much you want to show up powerfully, speak confidently and attract others into your presence, these Neurotic Holding Patterns hold you captive as a dim, constrained shadow of your most charismatic self.

Neurotic Holding Patterns affect every man to some degree.

Sapping your communication skills, status, romantic confidence and ability to create the success you want.

For Years, I Suffered Under The Grip
Of These Debilitating Patterns. 

Despite launching a gym, building an online fitness brand, and raising my family... something always felt off.

My bravado came across as nervous energy or try-hard overcompensation.

I'd stumble over words, awkwardly avoid eye contact and collapse under pressure whenever the stakes were high. 

Women weren't attracted to me.

Like so many men, I WAS STUCK. Petrified of fully expressing myself and unable to cultivate the magnetic confidence I craved.

Until I discovered the shocking mind-body cure to demolish these Neurotic Holding Patterns once and for all...

BIOENERGETICS: The Cure For Neurotic Holding Patterns.

BIOENERGETICS: The Cure For Neurotic Holding Patterns.

After years of struggling, I hit a breaking point. 

That's when a friend turned me onto a little-known somatic psychology practice called "Bioenergetics" that I immediately resonated with.  

Developed by legendary therapist Dr. Alexander Lowen MD:

Bioenergetics is a method for systematically identifying and releasing your unique “neurotic holding patterns” to unleash unobstructed confidence, charisma and vitality.

By working hands-on with his protege Dr. Robert Glazer over four years, I experienced powerful somatic breakthroughs which totally re-patterned my "character structure" at a psycho-physical level.  

Tight areas of armor-blocked energy were discharged. 

Limiting belief patterns rooted in my body were rewired.

Practically overnight, my lifelong communication blocks and cringeworthy awkwardness dissolved. 

Everything changed for me.

I was barely recognizable.

I became a new man.

I was suddenly able to speak, move an show up with grounded charisma on a level I'd never experienced.  

Like a thick fog had lifted, revealing my naturally magnetic and impactful presence.

The results were explosive. 

My content immediately started captivating millions. 

My wife poured with new desire over me, and other women were drawn to my radiant, high-status energy. 

Business growth skyrocketed as prospects instantly bought into my messages.

All from being freed of the neurotic holding patterns that had subconsciously restrained me for decades!

The Rare & POWERFUL Charisma Solution

Intellectually, you may understand you're meant for more success, confidence, influence and attraction than you're currently experiencing.

But until you systematically discharge the Neurotic Holding Patterns holding you back, you'll remain trapped as a shell of your most charismatic self.

Typical self-help modalities, dating advice and business programs only scratch the surface.

You need to uproot the somatic conditioning at a bioenergetic level.

Which is why I felt called to share this profound yet little-known embodiment technology after seeing my life transform so dramatically.

You see, Dr. Glazer was one of the only practitioners uniquely qualified to facilitate Bioenergetics work. As a publisher, protégé and former client of Alexander Lowen himself, he stood at the leading edge of this pioneering field. 

When he passed away in 2016, a huge well of Bioenergetics mastery was lost that can never be fully replaced.

Fortunately, through years of immersive training,

I've become one of the few guides equipped to deliver the full depth of Bioenergetics for dismantling Neurotic Holding Patterns.

After years of struggling, I hit a breaking point. 

That's when a friend turned me onto a little-known somatic psychology practice called "Bioenergetics" that I immediately resonated with.  

Developed by legendary therapist Dr. Alexander Lowen MD:

Bioenergetics is a method for systematically identifying and releasing your unique “neurotic holding patterns” to unleash unobstructed confidence, charisma and vitality.

By working hands-on with his protege Dr. Robert Glazer over four years, I experienced powerful somatic breakthroughs which totally re-patterned my "character structure" at a psycho-physical level.  

Tight areas of armor-blocked energy were discharged. 

Limiting belief patterns rooted in my body were rewired.

Practically overnight, my lifelong communication blocks and cringeworthy awkwardness dissolved. 

Everything changed for me.

I was barely recognizable.

I became a new man.

I was suddenly able to speak, move an show up with grounded charisma on a level I'd never experienced.  

Like a thick fog had lifted, revealing my naturally magnetic and impactful presence.

The results were explosive. 

My content immediately started captivating millions. 

My wife poured with new desire over me, and other women were drawn to my radiant, high-status energy. 

Business growth skyrocketed as prospects instantly bought into my messages.

All from being freed of the neurotic holding patterns that had subconsciously restrained me for decades!

The Rare & POWERFUL Charisma Solution

Intellectually, you may understand you're meant for more success, confidence, influence and attraction than you're currently experiencing.

But until you systematically discharge the Neurotic Holding Patterns holding you back, you'll remain trapped as a shell of your most charismatic self.

Typical self-help modalities, dating advice and business programs only scratch the surface.

You need to uproot the somatic conditioning at a bioenergetic level.

Which is why I felt called to share this profound yet little-known embodiment technology after seeing my life transform so dramatically.

You see, Dr. Glazer was one of the only practitioners uniquely qualified to facilitate Bioenergetics work. As a publisher, protégé and former client of Alexander Lowen himself, he stood at the leading edge of this pioneering field. 

When he passed away in 2016, a huge well of Bioenergetics mastery was lost that can never be fully replaced.

Fortunately, through years of immersive training, I've become one of the few guides equipped to deliver the full depth of Bioenergetics for dismantling Neurotic Holding Patterns.

Which Is Why I Am Inviting You To The NEW Grounding Camp...

Which Is Why I Am Inviting You To The NEW Grounding Camp...

Forget anything you think you know about Grounding Camp. 

An event like this has never happened before.

This is a transcendent three-day residential retreat where you'll shed every layer of conditioning and tension keeping you from radiating your most potent, attractive presence.

When you peel away the Psychosomatic Armor, your light automatically starts shining through

You'll show up as a more confident, captivating and impactful version of your natural self.

Gone is the confusing, chaotic and boring small-talker...

Replacing him is a clear, collected conversationalist who wows anyone he meets.

No more hesitating or stumbling over words...

Instead, you'll approach any person, woman or situation with powerful communication skills and unshakeable composure.

Rather than living beneath your potential, you'll radiate high-status energy in everything you do.

Let Me Warn You...

Grounding Camp Will Challenge You.

It's uncomfortable, awkward and grueling at times. But the rewards are life-changing

For three days, I'll personally coach you through:

Step 1: Identifying and eliminating your specific Neurotic Holding Patterns to unleash your authentic dynamism.

Step 2: Learn Bioenergetic exercises to help un-stifle your natural charisma for confident, at-ease self-expression.  

Step 3: Clarifying your vision, so you can share your new gifts with the world through content, entrepreneurship, influence and attracting your dream romantic partner.

Step 4: Creating a roadmap to sculpt your dream business or lifestyle that grows in direct proportion to your newly embodied charisma.

Picture Getting Everything You've Ever Wanted,
By Simply Being The Most Confident, Captivating and
Charismatic Version Of Yourself...

  • Envision locking eyes with woman across the room and instantly making a connection as she is magnetically drawn to your grounded presence…

  • Imagine taking the stage to pitch your business idea, and captivating every investor as they eagerly invest in both your product and your personal power…

  • See yourself walking into any room with the relaxed, radiant composure of a celebrity, where people can't take their attention off of you.

All from aligning your body, voice and spirit into an undeniable charisma that makes extraordinary success feel inevitable and almost easy. 

Grounding Camp Is Your Shortcut To This Reality.


When: Friday May 17 - Sunday May 19, 2024

Where: Private Retreat Location in Central Florida (1 hour from Orlando Airport)

Includes: 3 Days of Immersive Training, Accommodations, Meals 

Your Investment: $2,997

Limited spots available.

Payment plans are available to make this a no-brainer. 

Camp Begins In...

What's the cost of staying stuck in your uncharismatic shell for one more year?

There are no coincidences. 

You reading this is a sign you've been waiting for to finally break through your limitations.

To unleash the unstoppable confidence and magnetic charisma within you.

This is your moment to listen to the calling you've always felt to share your brightest truth and largest presence with the world.

Don't let it pass you by. 

Secure your spot now before this intimate experience is fully booked.

I can't wait to help you uncover and embody your most powerful, impactful, attractive self.

See you at Grounding Camp,

P.S. Your transformation begins the moment you claim your spot in this life-changing program. 

Which version of yourself will you choose—the playing-it-safe people pleaser slowly decaying from regret? 

Or the radically authentic, charismatic man who shapes the world in his image and inspires awe wherever he goes? 

The choice is yours.

Forget anything you think you know about Grounding Camp. 

An event like this has never happened before.

This is a transcendent three-day residential retreat where you'll shed every layer of conditioning and tension keeping you from radiating your most potent, attractive presence.

When you peel away the psychosomatic armor, your light automatically starts shining through

You'll show up as a more confident, captivating and impactful version of your natural self.

Gone is the confusing, chaotic and boring small-talker...

Replacing him is a clear, collected conversationalist who wows anyone he meets.

No more hesitating or stumbling over words...

Instead, you'll approach any person, woman or situation with powerful communication skills and unshakeable composure.

Rather than living beneath your potential, you'll radiate high-status energy in everything you do.

Let Me Warn You...

Grounding Camp Will Challenge You.

It's uncomfortable, awkward and grueling at times. But the rewards are life-changing

For three days, I'll personally coach you through:

Step 1: Identifying and eliminating your specific Neurotic Holding Patterns to unleash your authentic dynamism.

Step 2: Learn Bioenergetic exercises to help un-stifle your natural charisma for confident, at-ease self-expression.  

Step 3: Clarify your vision, so you can share your new gifts with the world through content, entrepreneurship, influence and attracting your dream romantic partner.

Step 4: Create an action plan to sculpt your dream business or lifestyle that grows in direct proportion to your newly embodied charisma.

Picture Getting Everything You've Ever Wanted,
By Simply Being The Most Confident, Captivating and
Charismatic Version Of Yourself...

  • Envision locking eyes with woman across the room and instantly making a connection as she is magnetically drawn to your grounded presence…

  • Imagine taking the stage to pitch your business idea, and captivating every investor as they eagerly invest in both your product and your personal power…

  • See yourself walking into any room with the relaxed, radiant composure of a celebrity, where people can't take their attention off of you.

All from aligning your body, voice and spirit into an undeniable charisma that makes extraordinary success feel inevitable and almost easy. 

Grounding Camp Is Your Shortcut To This Reality.


When: Friday May 17 - Sunday May 19, 2024

Where: Private Retreat Location in Central Florida (1 hour from Orlando Airport)

Includes: 3 Days of Immersive Training, Accommodations, Meals 

Your Investment: $2,997

Limited spots available.

Payment plans are available to make this a no-brainer. 

Camp Begins In...

What's the cost of staying stuck in your uncharismatic shell for one more year?

There are no coincidences. 

You reading this is a sign you've been waiting for to finally break through your limitations.

To unleash the unstoppable confidence and magnetic charisma within you.

This is your moment to listen to the calling you've always felt to share your brightest truth and largest presence with the world.

Don't let it pass you by. 

Secure your spot now before this intimate experience is fully booked.

I can't wait to help you uncover and embody your most powerful, impactful, attractive self.

See you at Grounding Camp,

P.S. Your transformation begins the moment you claim your spot in this life-changing program. 

Which version of yourself will you choose—the playing-it-safe people pleaser slowly decaying from regret? 

Or the radically authentic, charismatic man who shapes the world in his image and inspires awe wherever he goes? 

The choice is yours.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have more questions please email

Do you offer any payment plan options to make this easier?

Yes, we have several easy payment plans available to spread out your investment into Grounding Camp.

I'm still unsure if this is right for me, how can I learn more?

If you have more questions please email

What time does Grounding Camp start and finish?

We start on Friday at 12 noon, and we finish on Sunday at 3pm.

What airport should I arrive at?

Orlando International Airport

Will transportation be provided to and from camp?

No, transportation to and from camp is the responsibility of each participant. However, we will put together a Telegram group for carpooling.

Are refunds available?

All fees are nonrefundable. This policy is implemented because we are required to pay our retreat center, accommodation providers, and other essential services in advance to secure bookings and ensure the smooth operation of our retreat. Consequently, once payment is made, refunds cannot be issued. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding this matter.

What Other Men Are Saying About Grounding Camp

Past Grounding Camps

Past Camps

*Grounding Camp 2024 is a NEW and UPDATED version of Grounding Camp

© 2024 Copyright Elliott Hulse, Inc. All Rights Reserved.